
Smart Goals - All 2018

Out with the old and in with the new - year, that is! This week marks the start of chapter 1 of your book titled 2018.

New Year’s resolutions are everywhere! I’m sure you’ve seen your friend's posts claiming 2018 as “the best year yet.” Don’t get me wrong; there’s no judgment here. I think such claims are a fantastic approach to starting off the new year right. Unfortunately, research shows less than 10% of people complete their New Year’s resolutions. Yep, you read that correctly - less than 10%!

In my opinion, where most people go wrong is they fail to plan. A resolution without an intentional execution plan is bound to fail. I’m a huge advocate of planning with intentionality! What does that mean, you ask? Well, you must create SMART GOALS and tie a few action steps for completion to each goal.

What are smart goals, anyway? A smart goal should be:

  • Specific- Is the goal simple? Can an outsider look at the goal and easily understand your intention? Try to answer the five W’s (who, what when, where, why)

  • Measurable - Can you track the progress of completion?

  • Attainable - Is this a goal that you can complete? Please note, attainable does not mean easy! Create a smart goal that challenges you. Consider a goal that stretches your comfort zone.
  • Relevant - Is the goal necessary for YOU? Does it make sense for your life?

  • Timely - When will this goal be completed? How long will completion take?

I find it most important for goals to be timely. I suggest creating multiple goals for the year. Try one goal for each month or create a quarterly goal. You can make all the goals your heart desires, but without an assigned deadline for completion, does it matter? After all, we are moving away from weightless resolutions and setting smart goals- all 2018!

Did you know, that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them out? Yes! So, when you are planning 2018 with intentionality, don’t forget to write those smart goals down! Since your goal will be measurable, make sure to keep the log close so you can track your progress.

If you want to take this smart goal thing even further, assign a supportive friend as your accountability partner. Share your smart goals and ask for their feedback. The friend can be your source of encouragement on your goal demolishing journey.

So, what do you say, are you on board? Let’s get chapter 1 of 2018 started off right! Get those smart goals finalized! Cheers to a fantastic year of goal digging!
